

EXAM HELP DESK No’s & E-mail Id

Sl.No.Name Of the ProfessorIn ChargePhone No.Email ID
1Prof.(Dr) Jibanananda JenaSuperintendent7735760611principal@giet.edu.in
2Prof.(Dr) Animesh ChhotrayDeputy Superintendent9438505302animeshchhotray@giet.edu.in
3Prof.(DR) Laxman Kumar SahooPIC Examination9438857504exams@giet.edu.in

These days existence has become so intricate that examinations have come to play an all-embracing part in one’s academic profession. Examinations are considered so important that most students are anxious of them.

The objective of Examination section is for simplification, unwrinkled and easier functioning of the work related to Examination. The Examination Section of the College therefore is the strength of the College. The entire work of examinations is being governed by different provisions of College and their Rules and Regulations made therein by the system of the University.

The Examination Department deals essentially with proper verification of  validity of student’s for examination, preparation and publication of schedule of examinations, featureless and equitable perform of examinations, arrangement of invigilators, preparation of subject teachers list, get performance of the students and subject teachers accurately estimated through Result analysis.