Research Project

Research Project

Gandhi Institute For Education and Technology (GIET) , Baniatangi supports an expanding research enterprise committed to producing new knowledge, strengthening also gives Oppertunity to the Students for  build better future with benifits of Scholarship. GIET researchers collaborate with academics, industry experts and scientists from across the globe to promote advances in science and technology. We partnerships with State-of-the-art infrastructure, Organization to create vibrant research ecosystem.

                      Few of the ongoing research at GIET campuses include developing morden technology and web applications with proper solution, modernizing smart electrical grid with advance telecommunication, artificial intelligence and machine learning and using Matlab to enhance the system design. The Institute has expertise in various research areas to provide knowledge and intellectual inputs which are of interest to the industry and other organizations.

                     Research and innovation are important hallmarks of a worldclass Institute. GIET has placed much emphasis on creating enabling infrastructure and facilities for advanced research in diverse areas. It has also established year of 2009 and more than 30 acres to built up area of college campus. Apart from these, GIET conducting collaborative research and development work with several partnering agencies and institutions to promote innovation and startup entrepreneurship among students.

                    More than 65% of our faculty has a Ph.D. Undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students get the opportunity to work with experts.