The emerging field of Data Engineering is an interdisciplinary area, which deals with common application on data inclusive of business processes and systems implemented to extract knowledge from large amount of data available from heterogeneous sources. Sometimes it provides significant insights to make crucial decisions in critical situations. As the domain is vast, it utilizes a lot of existing as well as new mechanisms along with techniques linked to diverse disciplines like data management, business management, information science, computational approaches as well as computer science. Also it adds value to various sectors of business management by the addition of statistical as well as computational techniques to generate valuable insights across the workflow in several business management processes. In addition to that, the data driven logical revelation may also play an important role in finding novel directions for advancement and improvement in several key areas such as supply chain management, logistics, business operations, resource management, and adoption of Internet of things. Therefore making the integration of data engineering with business intelligence can be the focused sector in the potential research. This ICDSM-2024 conference will bring the experts, practitioners, scientists and Data science experts from academia and industry together. The main aim is to foster a strong, lively and well-connected international research community. ICDSM-2024 will be jointly organized by Gandhi Institute for Education and Technology, Baniatangi, Odisha, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majitar, East Sikkim and REVA University, Bengaluru. Read More
Initial Paper Submission Deadline extended - 15/10/2024
Author Notification - 05/11/2024
Revised Paper Submission Deadline - 20/11/2024
Registration Deadline - 20/11/2024
Department Of Computer Sc.&Engg., Eace And Department Of Mca , Giet, Baniatangi, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 752060