Publication Details
- Pattanaik, B.P., Jena, J. and Misra, R.D., 2017. The effect of oxygen content in soapnut biodiesel-diesel blends on performance of a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 14(3), pp.4574-4588.
- Jena, J. and Misra, R.D., 2014. Estimation of production cost of pure plant oils and biodiesels from karanja, palm and soapnut plantations through financial analysis. Small-scale forestry, 13(4), pp.501-514.
- Jena, J. and Misra, R.D., 2014. Exergetic cost analysis of a CI engine fuelled with petrodiesel and palm and karanja biodiesels: a comparative assessment. International Journal of Exergy, 15(2), pp.214-232.
- Jena, J. and Misra, R.D., 2014. Effect of fuel oxygen on the energetic and exergetic efficiency of a compression ignition engine fuelled separately with palm and karanja biodiesels. Energy, 68, pp.411-419.
- Tripathy, S., Jena, J., Padhiary, D.K. and Roul, M.K., 2014. Thermodynamic analysis of a cascade refrigeration system based on carbon dioxide and ammonia. world, 3, pp.6-10.
- Misra, R.D., Jena, J. and Murthy, M.S., 2013. Energy and exergy analyses of a CI engine fuelled with palm biodiesel based on experimental data. International Journal of Exergy, 13(1), pp.124-139.
- Sahu, C., Parhi, D.R., Kumar, P.B., Muni, M.K., Chhotray, A. and Pandey, K.K., 2021. Humanoid NAO: A Kinematic Encounter. Robotica, 39(11), pp.1997-2007.
- Kumar, P.B., Parhi, D.R., Muni, M.K., Pandey, K.K., Chhotray, A. and Pradhan, D., 2021. Dynamic Strategy Planning of Humanoid Robots Using Glowworm-Based Optimization. Robotica, 39(6), pp.1051-1063.
- Muni, M.K., Kumar, P.B., Parhi, D.R., Rath, A.K., Das, H.C., Chhotray, A., Pandey, K.K. and Salony, K., 2020. Path planning of a humanoid robot using rule-based technique. In Advances in mechanical engineering (pp. 1547-1554). Springer, Singapore.
- Kashyap, A.K., Pandey, A., Chhotray, A. and Parhi, D.R., 2019, March. Controlled gait planning of humanoid robot NAO based on 3D-LIPM model. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Kumar, P.B., Sahu, C., Parhi, D.R., Pandey, K.K. and Chhotray, A.N.I.M.E.S.H., 2019. Static and dynamic path planning of humanoids using an advanced regression controller. Scientia Iranica, 26(1), pp.375-393.
- Chhotray, A. and Parhi, D.R., 2019. Navigational control analysis of two-wheeled self-balancing robot in an unknown terrain using back-propagation neural network integrated modified DAYANI approach. Robotica, 37(8), pp.1346-1362.
- Sah, A.K., Mohanty, P.K., Kumar, V. and Chhotray, A., 2019. Log-based reward field function for deep-Q-learning for online mobile robot navigation. In Computational intelligence in data mining (pp. 237-248). Springer, Singapore.
- Chhotray, A., Parhi, D.R., Kumar, P. and Behera, P., 2019, October. A Comprehensive Review on Motion Planning of Bi-differential Wheeled Robots in Cluttered Environment Using Various Artificial Intelligent Techniques. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Muni, M.K., Parhi, D.R., Kumar, P., Pandey, K.K., Kumar, S. and Chhotray, A., 2019, February. Sugeno fuzzy logic analysis: Navigation of multiple humanoids in complex environments. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Kumar, P.B., Chhotray, A., Pandey, K.K. and Parhi, D.R., 2019. Investigation of Humanoid Movement Using a Classical Approach. In Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development (pp. 55-69). Apple Academic Press.
- Chhotray, A., 2019. Balanced Postural Control and Path Planning Analysis of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Various Soft Computing Techniques (Doctoral dissertation).
- Kumar, S., Muni, M.K., Pandey, K.K., Chhotray, A. and Parhi, D.R., 2019, February. Path planning and control of mobile robots using modified Tabu search algorithm in complex environment. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Chouhan, A.S., Parhi, D.R. and Chhotray, A., 2018. Control and balancing of two-wheeled mobile robots using Sugeno fuzzy logic in the domain of AI techniques. Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Manufacturing,(ETESM-2018), IGIT, Sarang, India.
- Chhotray, A., Parhi, D.R., Kundu, R., Kumar, P.B. and Pandey, K.K., 2018, March. Modelling and Stability Analysis of a TWMM Using Kalman Filter and PID Controller. In 2018 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Kumar, P.B., Parhi, D.R., Sethy, M., Chhotray, A., Pandey, K.K. and Sahu, C., 2018, March. Humanoid Navigation: An Intelligent Computer Vision Based Approach. In 2018 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Parhi, D.R. and Chhotray, A., 2018. Development and analysis of DAYANI arc contour intelligent technique for navigation of two-wheeled mobile robot. Industrial Robot: An International Journal.
- Kumar, P.B., Pandey, K.K., Sahu, C., Chhotray, A. and Parhi, D.R., 2017, November. A hybridized RA-APSO approach for humanoid navigation. In 2017 Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Chhotray, A., Pradhan, M.K., Pandey, K.K. and Parhi, D.R., 2016. Kinematic analysis of a two-wheeled self-balancing mobile robot. In Proceedings of the international conference on signal, networks, computing, and systems (pp. 87-93). Springer, New Delhi.
- Pandey, K.K., Pandey, A., Chhotray, A. and Parhi, D.R., 2016. Navigation of mobile robot using type-2 FLC. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing, and Systems (pp. 137-145). Springer, New Delhi.
- Sahu, S.K. and Behera, P., 2012. An improved lumped analysis for transient heat conduction in different geometries with heat generation. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 340(7), pp.477-484.
- Sahu, S.K. and Behera, P., 2012. An improved lumped model for transient heat conduction in different geometries. Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal, 4(1).
- Behera, P. and Murugan, S., 2013. Combustion, performance and emission parameters of used transformer oil and its diesel blends in a DI diesel engine. Fuel, 104, pp.147-154.
- Behera, P. and Murugan, S., 2013. Studies on a diesel engine fuelled with used transformer oil at different fuel injection nozzle opening pressures. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 34(1), pp.53-59.
- Behera, P., Murugan, S. and Nagarajan, G., 2014. Dual fuel operation of used transformer oil with acetylene in a DI diesel engine. Energy conversion and management, 87, pp.840-847.
- Mohanty, C., Jaiswal, A., Meda, V.S., Behera, P. and Murugan, S., 2011. An experimental investigation on the combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel engine using vegetable oil-diesel fuel blends.
- Behera, P. and Sivalingam, M., 2012. Effect of nozzle opening pressure on the combustion, performance and emission parameters of DI diesel engine fueled with used transformer oil (No. 2012-01-1584). SAE Technical Paper.
- Nayak, J., Prusty, P. and Behera, P., 2019, February. Prediction of Droplet Generation and Blowing Parameters Helps for Interface Reaction During BOS Processes. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Chhotray, A., Parhi, D.R., Kumar, P. and Behera, P., 2019, October. A Comprehensive Review on Motion Planning of Bi-differential Wheeled Robots in Cluttered Environment Using Various Artificial Intelligent Techniques. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Sahoo, L.K., 2011. Socio-economic profile of tribal populations in Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar districts. Orissa Review, 68(10), pp.63-68.
- Sahoo, L.K., Roul, M.K. and Swain, R.K., 2018. CFD analysis of natural convection heat transfer augmentation from square conductive horizontal and inclined pin fin arrays. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 39(8), pp.840-851.
- Sahoo, L.K., Roul, M.K. and Swain, R.K., 2017. CFD analysis of steady laminar natural convection heat transfer from a pin finned isothermal vertical plate. Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 46(7), pp.840-862.
- Sahoo, L.K., Roul, M.K. and Swain, R.K., 2017. Natural convection heat transfer augmentation factor with square conductive pin fin arrays. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 58(6), pp.1115-1122.
- Roul, M.K. and Sahoo, L.K., 2012. CFD modeling of pressure drop caused by two-phase flow of oil/water emulsions through sudden expansions. International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 2(6), pp.1047-54.
- Sahoo, L.K., Sahoo, S.K., Roul, M.K. and Swain, R.K., 2017. CFD analysis of heat transfer in hexagonal subchannels of super fast reactor in upward flow. Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 46(8), pp.1399-1412.
- Swain, S., Patra, S.K., Roul, M.K. and Sahoo, L.K., 2022. A short review on cooling process using compressed cold air by vortex tube in machining. Materials Today: Proceedings.
- Sahoo, L.K. and Roul, M.K., 2020. CFD analysis on heat transfer through different extended surfaces. Heat Transfer, 49(8), pp.4820-4833.
- Sahoo, L.K., 2019, March. Enhancement of Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces by CFD. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Nayak, R.C., Roul, M.K., Sahu, D.K., Sahoo, L.K., Singh, M.K., Bhakat, R. and Behera, S., Natural Convection Heat Transfer Through Heated Vertical Tubes With Discrete Rings.
- Roul, M.K. and Sahoo, L.K., CFD modeling of two-phase pressure drop due to flow of oil-water emulsions through sudden contraction.
Kumar, S., Chaudhary, S., Sethi, D., Paulraj, J., Bhargava, M. and Roy, B.S., 2022. Effect of process parameters on third generation of friction stir welded Al–Li alloy plates. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 38, pp.372-385.
- Sethi, D., Acharya, U., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2022. Applicability of unique scarf joint configuration in friction stir welding of AA6061-T6: analysis of torque, force, microstructure and mechanical properties. Defence Technology, 18(4), pp.567-582.
- Kumar, S., Chaubey, S.K., Sethi, D., Saha, S.C. and Roy, B.S., 2022. Performance analysis of varying tool pin profile on friction stir welded 2050-T84Al-Cu-Li alloy plates. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 31(3), pp.2074-2085.
- Sethi, D., Acharya, U., Kumar, S., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2022. Effect of tool rotational speed on friction stir welded AA6061-T6 scarf joint configuration. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, pp.1-16.
- Sethi, D., Acharya, U., Kumar, S., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2021. Effect of Reinforcement Particles on Friction Stir Welded Joints with Scarf Configuration: an Approach to Achieve High Strength Joints. Silicon, pp.1-14.
- Sethi, D., Kumar, S., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2021. Friction stir welding of AA7075-T6/TiB2 in situ cast composites plates using scarf joint configuration. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, pp.1-13..
- Acharya, U., Medhi, T., Sethi, D., Choudhury, S., Banik, A., Saha, S.C. and Roy, B.S., 2021. A Study on the Implication of Modified Joint Configuration in Friction Stir Welding. Soldagem & Inspeção, 26.
- Kumar, S., Acharya, U., Sethi, D., Medhi, T., Roy, B.S. and Saha, S.C., 2020. Effect of traverse speed on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction-stir-welded third-generation Al–Li alloy. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(8), pp.1-13.
- Sethi, D., Acharya, U., Medhi, T., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2021. Microstructural and mechanical property of friction stir welded Al7075/TiB2 aluminium matrix composite. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, pp.9180-9186.
- Sethi, D., Kumar, S., Choudhury, S., Shekhar, S. and Roy, B.S., 2020. Synthesis and characterization of AA7075/TiB2 aluminum matrix composite formed through stir casting method. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26, pp.1908-1913.
- Sahoo, B.B., Saha, U.K., Sahoo, N. and Prusty, P., 2009, January. Analysis of throttle opening variation impact on a diesel engine performance using second law of thermodynamics. In Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference (Vol. 43406, pp. 703-710).
- Cfd analysis of mixture behaviour in a diesel engine combustion chamber. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 2016
- Analysis of Mixture Parameters in a Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber. Advances in Robotic, Mechanical Engineering and Design(Grenze scientific Society)
- Nayak, J., Prusty, P. and Behera, P., 2019, February. Prediction of Droplet Generation and Blowing Parameters Helps for Interface Reaction During BOS Processes. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE)
- Sethi, C.K., Acharya, S.K., Ghanem, S.R., Behera, A. and Patnaik, P.P., 2021. Exergy, energy and economic analysis of a V-groove assist rotating tray type solar cabinet dryer for drying potato chips. Journal of Stored Products Research, 93, p.101861.
- Sethi, C.K., Acharya, S.K. and Patnaik, P.P., 2023. Investigation on Solar Drying Characteristics of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in a Reflector-Attached Solar Air Heater and Thermal Energy Storage System Using Nanomaterials. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 145(6), p.061005.
- Sethi, C., Patnaik, P.P., Thatoi, D.N. and Acharya, S.K., 2020. Performance, combustion & emission analysis on diesel engine utilizing diethyl ether as a fuel additives. Eng. Manage., 82, pp.2391-2408.
- Patanaik, P.P., Sethi, C.K., Deheri, C., Acharya, S.K., Thatoi, D.N. and Som, S., 2021. An experimental investigation on emission parameters of CI engine using additives. Materials Today: Proceedings, 41, pp.280-285.
- Sethi, C.K., Acharya, S.K., Patnaik, P.P. and Behera, A., 2021. A Review on Solar Drying of Marine Applications. Current Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRAMERD 2020, p.271.
- Behera, A., Sethi, C.K., Acharya, S.K. and Patnaik, P.P., 2021. Performance Analysis of Flat Plate Solar Air Collector with Baffles. Current Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRAMERD 2020, p.181.
- Behera, A., Sethi, C.K., Acharya, S.K. and Patnaik, P.P., 2021. Performance Analysis of V-Grooved Solar Air Collector. In Current Advances in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 217-226). Springer, Singapore.
- Patnaik, P.P., Beura, S., Sethi, C.K. and Acharya, S.K., 2021. Execution and Fumes Discharge Investigation of a Diesel Motor Utilizing Karanja Oil with Counterfeit Neural Organization. In Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication (pp. 483-493). Springer, Singapore.
- Sethi, C.K., 2017. CFD Analysis on Effectiveness of a Plate Type Heat Exchanger Using Sea Water and Engine Oil. International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 12(1), pp.191-198.
- Sethi, C.K., 2018. Analysis on Effectiveness of a Plate Type Heat Exchanger by CFD using Sea Water and Engine Oil. Grenze International Digital Library, Grenze Id: 02.ARMED.2018.7.510
- Sethi, C.K., A review paper on Security Integration & Privacy in the IOT. International organization of scientific research, PP- 75-79.
- Chandan Kumar Sethi, Pragyan Parimita Patnaik, Saroj Kumar Acharya, Dhirendra Nath Thatoi, An efficient approach for emission reduction in diesel engine with ferric chloride as catalyst and yttria stabilized zirconia as thermal barrier coating, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, ISSN 2214-7853,
- Chandan Kumar Sethi, Pragyan Parimita Patnaik, Saroj Kumar Acharya, Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of an Indirect Rotating Tray Type Solar Dryer for Drying Tendu Leaves. Accepted for publishing in Materials Today: Proceedings (ICRAMERD-2023) (Accepted)
- Experimental Research on the Performance of Environmental Friendly Refrigerant Mixtures in a Vapour Compression Refrigeration System. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy-2019
- Hota, N. and Mishra, T.N., 2019. Microstructure Analysis of Resistance Spot Welding of Commercial Low Carbon Steel using WC Micro-Powder. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Hota, N. and Mishra, T.N., 2019. Microstructure Analysis of Resistance Spot Welding of Commercial Low Carbon Steel using WC Micro-Powder. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Rout, A.K., Kar, J. and Mishra, T.N., 2019, March. Erosion Wear Performance of Palm-Epoxy Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Bio-Waste Filler. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Mishra, T.N., 2015. Modeling and CFD analysis of tube in tube helical coil heat exchanger. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(8), pp.20-23
- Mohanty, S. and Mishra, T.N., Variation of Emission Characteristics of IC Engine Operating on Waste Cooking Oil and Diesel Oil Blend.
- Patra, S., Nayak, J., Singhal, L.K. and Pal, S., 2017. Prediction of nitrogen content of steel melt during stainless steel making using AOD converter. steel research international, 88(5), p.1600271
- Nayak, J., Prusty, P. and Behera, P., 2019, February. Prediction of Droplet Generation and Blowing Parameters Helps for Interface Reaction During BOS Processes. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).
- Nayak, J., Prusty, P. and Behera, P., 2019, February. Prediction of Droplet Generation and Blowing Parameters Helps for Interface Reaction During BOS Processes. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE).