Sports & Recreation

Sports & Recreation

Recreational sports are those activities where the primary purpose of the activity is participation, with the related goals of improved physical fitness, fun, and social involvement often prominent. Recreational sports are usually perceived as being less stressful, both physically and mentally, on the participants. There are lower expectations regarding both performance and commitment to the sport in the recreation of sphere. In theory, there is a clear demarcation between purely recreational pursuits and competitive sports, where emphasis will be cantered on the achievement of success and the attainment of physical skills through rigorous training. Competitive sport involves not only contests, but it also advances as a central tenet that the athlete or team will continually seek progress and advancement to a higher level. Professional, international, national, and regional championships and university competitions are exclusively competitive activities. In practice, the division between the concepts of recreation and competition at all other levels is often blurred.

Recreational sports are the most popular type of athletic activity undertaken throughout the world. While elite professional leagues and glamorous international sport festivals are the events on which the media focuses its attention, for every professional athlete there are thousands of participants who use the same sport for the satisfaction of their personal fitness needs

Recreational sport is the aspect of overall fitness often promoted by government health agencies in the larger societal quest for better health and consequent reductions in the strain on public health care costs. Recreational sports, at both youth and adult levels, is advanced as a component of the healthy lifestyle that leads to less incidence of serious disease (particularly diabetes and cardiovascular diseases associated with obesity), and greater longevity in the population generally.

Sport and recreation management is committed to providing:

  • An outstanding undergraduate program based on the criteria of relevant professional associations, which will enable graduates to be successful in their professional endeavors.
  • A program that builds upon the strong liberal studies background provided through General Education.
  • The opportunities that challenge students to The think critically, to use technology and to appreciate the global community.
  • The research and development projects that push back the boundaries of knowledge and promote effective practice in sport and recreation management.